
Mmm…excuse me while I finish eating this delicous banana…

Most of this post is extracted from an earlier post of mine, which few people wanted to read:

While I was growing up and had no access to creationism, but had to soak up all the theories of the evolutionist being pushed upon me, I couldn’t help asking myself such questions as these:

“Why would our ancestors evolve themselves out of their hair (through all those ice ages), and then have to start lighting fires and putting on clothes? Are bald men more highly evolved than hairy men? Why would losing a tail be an improvement? Why is there no ‘animal’ half way between apes and humans? Why  haven’t apes all evolved into humans – shouldn’t there be none left by now?” (Yes, I know that both apes and humans are said to have evolved from a common ancestor).

No doubt the determined evolutionist would have answers to such questions, but I for one am not going for them.

For several years now we’ve been told there is conclusive evidence that human and chimp DNA is 95 to 99 percent similar.  The evolutionary concept is that apes, particularly chimpanzees and humans, descended from a common ancestor.As usual, any new “evidence”  for evolution is presented as conclusive proof in our mainstream media and our schools, and the majority of people unquestioningly  accept it as fact.

In the “chromosome 2 fusion  model”, researchers claimed that two small chimpanzee chromosomes fused at some time in the not so distant past, forming one large stable chromosome, which is “why”, according to evolutionists, the great apes have 24 chromosomes and humans have 23. The evidence that led them to make this conclusion was that there was a cluster of “telomere” sequences in the middle of human chromosome 2. Since telomeres were originally considered to be only at the ends of chromosomes, and that they serve only as a kind of “cap” on the chromosome, researchers concluded that this cluster was evidence for the fusion model.

At the Institute for Creation Research, Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins, with a PH. D. in genetics, and Dr. Jerry Bergman, a professor at Northwest State College in Ohio, have been following the secular research and resulting claims closely, and have carried out extensive studies of their own from the standpoint of the creationist. In 2011 they reported that they had found that telomeres are not unique structures only present at chromosome ends, but that there are in fact many telomeres, telomere clusters, and telomere repeats throughout the genome, often within internal regions of human chromosomes (1).

In 2012 Tomkins and Bergman authored reports in the Journal of Creation on the human-chimp DNA question. The first reviewed relevant secular science literature. Their own analysis detailed many differences in genomic DNA, gene regulation, regulatory DNA features, micro DNA code and gene splicing.

The second paper examined secular research methods and discarded data. It concluded that:

“All analyzed cases of reported human-chimp DNA sequence similarity is based on biased data selection and exclusion techniques. DNA sequence data that is too dissimilar to be conveniently aligned are omitted, masked, or completely excluded. Furthermore, gap data within DNA sequence alignments are typically omitted, further biasing similarity estimates”

The report continues:

“These highly selective data-discarding techniques, fueled by Darwinian dogma, lead to the commonly claimed 98 percent similarity between human and chimp”

The authors concluded at that time from their own analysis that the two are not more than 81-87 percent similar (2).


In January of 2013, Dr. Tomkins wrote a report titled “Epigenetics Proves Human and Chimp are Different”.

Epigenetics is the study of how DNA has been modified in such a way that its chemistry has changed, but not the actual base pairs that make up the genetic code of the sequence. Recent studies have shown dramatic differences in human and chimps in regard to epigenetics, particularly in a process known as “methylation”. This difference is recognized by secular researchers (3).

In February of 2013, Tomkins’ article, “Chromosome Comparison Shows More Chimp-human Differences”, discussed ICR’s ongoing research. Tomkins wrote:

“For the primary chimp chromosomes (autosomes), the amount of optimally aligned DNA sequence provided similarities between 66 and 76 percent, depending on the chromosome…”

Continuing, Tomkins noted that only 69 percent of the chimpanzee X chromosome and only 43 percent of the Y chromosome were similar to human DNA. His conclusion:

“These results illustrate the genetic and biblical fact that humans are not just another primate, but are uniquely created in the image of God” (4).

To add another of my own observations, humans have some visual similarities to apes because we have the same designer. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that.

If you would like to read a slightly more technical and lengthy (and recent) discussion of the above information, including a revealing admission from a leading evolutionist, here’s a link:

This Bible passage comes naturally to mind, in which major signs of the decline of a civilization are outlined:

“Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools…They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator – who is forever praised, Amen” (Romans chapter 1, especially verses 22, 25).

1 “Acts and Facts”, a monthly publication of the “Institute for Creation Research”, Dallas Texas, ( May, June and November 2011 copies

2 “Acts and Facts”, June 2012

3 “Acts and Facts”, January 2013

4 “Acts and Facts”, February 2013

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