Month: June 2018


A good friend who is a godly man recently commented on social media that Christians should keep their opinions to themselves on the matter of politics, for fear of upsetting someone. I respectfully, but very strongly, disagree... John Adams and other founders of the United States feared that under a two-party system in politics the … Continue reading POLITICS, CHRISTIANS AND REVELATION


Obamacare? Who did Obama care about...or for that matter the rest of the Democrats or half the Republicans? I have a bill for $2085 for not buying Mr. Obama's insurance last year. I'm not well off, and I'm certainly less well-off now. Thanks. Mr President, but I don't need or want your kind of care.


Creationists freely recognize the past existence of dinosaurs, and their extinction, just as evolutionists do. The difference in the two views is how, when and why the extinction occurred, but even the "how" part of the story has become increasingly similar in many ways... Articles in the "Institute for Creation Research" monthly magazine "Acts and … Continue reading THE END OF JURASSIC WORLD


One of the hazards to faith, peace and confidence can be the impression that God's justice is not apparent in the world around us. Those who have no thought for God and who hate truth and justice sometimes seem to be doing very well for themselves, while the rest of us, those who love God … Continue reading GETTING A GRIP