Science, Faith, and the Invisible God

“Our reality is just an illusion” (Evolutionist Jim Khalili).

Those who demand that we pay attention to science only, and not to what they call “superstition”, claiming that science and faith are incompatible, are on very shaky ground. Why? not least because of that which physicists have been discovering, researching and theorizing over for the past hundred and fifty years, about the nature of our physical universe.

(This is a repost of mine from a year ago. Apologies to anyone who’s read it already).

We’re pushed into believing only in what we see, and into not believing in what is unseen. In total contrast, the God of the Bible demands our faith in what is unseen, partly because “what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18). Faith is not only the substance of what is unseen (Hebrews 11:1) but it allows us to make logical deductions about what is unseen, from the study of our physical world and our nature. This is not at all “the god of the gaps”- the condescending insistence of atheists that we creationists insert God into the things which cannot yet be understood. Johann Keppler, father of modern astronomy, stated that in studying the heavens he was merely “thinking God’s thoughts after Him.”


Science, for the willing, works with faith to show even more powerfully just how amazing God is. Faith is not at all excluded by true science: the two go together perfectly. God is the Supreme scientist: the Father of science. God cannot be disproved by science: What scientists discover (but not their untested assumption) is no more than observation and the use of what God has made. Faith, or the lack of it, is the outworking of the condition of our heart in the physical world. Do we love our Maker, and do we want to seek Him, or would we rather that He did not exist at all? Would we prefer that the universe and all of life created itself, so that we have no-one to answer to, and so that we could go on our own merry way?

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible (Hebrews 11:3).

Science-which of course at its best benefits all of us-at worst hypocritically demands that we ignore the invisible God, because He is invisible, but at the same time that we believe its proclamations about things we cannot see and which often cannot be understood. Evolutionist Jim A-Khalili, in his video documentary, “Atom: Illusion of Reality”, states up-front that “our reality is just an illusion” (1).

(Image by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash).


In the early part of the twentieth century Ernest Rutherford found that the atom is almost entirely empty space. In classical physics, if the nucleus were the size of a golf ball its orbiting electrons would be one kilometer away. In quantum physics, the structure and behavior of the atom becomes much harder if not impossible to pin down. The electron, for example, cannot be located with any certainty. Or it can be in several different places at once. It can even behave differently when observed than it does when it is not being observed. Is it a particle, or is it a wave? The electron, it seems, can be either, and according to string theory, is simply a vibration posing as a particle. In any case, quantum theory-the study of tiny fundamental particles-has shown that our physical reality is not at all what it appears to be.

(Image by Lionel Gustave on Unsplash).

If the atom is almost entirely empty space, think of the chair you may be sitting on, or the ground you’re standing on. Most of what you think is there is not really there: the chair seems to be solid, as does the ground, but it most definitely is not. Were it not for the fundamental-and invisible-forces of nature, such as electro-magnetism, you would fall through the chair, through the ground and into the interior of the earth. But of course, were it not for those fundamental and invisible forces, you would not exist, at least, in any physical form-and neither would the chair or the earth.


Through the ages people wondered what strange power provided the effects of gravity. Einstein introduced the concept and calculations of space-time which flows all around us and through us, calling it a physical property. It holds us together, and it holds us to the earth. What is space-time composed of? And what of gravity? Theoretical particles called “gravitons” have been proposed, but as yet, haven’t been detected or seen. We can’t see or touch gravity-we can only see what it does.


And what of time? Did you know that some physicists think that time doesn’t really exist? But don’t we live in “space-time”, according to Einstein? If, according to relativity, space-time is a physical property, why can’t we see it or touch it? Why do we have no power to change it at all? Only in super-fast space travel, or in conceived and contrived manipulations of worm-holes and obscure dimensions of space, or in sci-fi imaginings, can we manipulate time to any degree.

According to Scripture, God is eternal. He isn’t subject to time, and he doesn’t have to live in it: He is outside of time’s physical constraints. We would be too, had our world not become cursed due to the fall of human nature. In the future, scripture tells us, time will no longer affect us in any harmful way. My own sense, though, is that time will still exist as a measurement of change and distance. If there were no time there would be no movement or change.

“…who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen” (1 Timothy 6:16).

(Photo by Markus Gjengaar on Unsplash).


String theory seeks to take us to the understanding of all scientific principles as a comprehensible whole: the grand theory of everything. Once this is accomplished, anything will be possible through our understanding of nature, and the scientist-humanity-will be God. There are one or two little problems along the way to divinity though, not least the fact that strings-a fundamental entity-are totally invisible. Strings are said to be tiny filaments of energy which vibrate, and the way they vibrate will dictate which sub-atomic particle or wave they behave as. In other words, they pose as quarks, electrons, photons and so on. That’s the theory, anyway. They’re invisible because they’re so small that to comprehend their size in relation to the atom (already unimaginably tiny) you must compare a building to the size of the universe. They are billions of times too small to be seen. Ah, but they must be there, according to some physicists.


The entire universe began, according to evolutionists, with a particle or an event so tiny that you wouldn’t be able to see it if it tap-danced over your nose. Reconciling the fundamental laws of physics which we are certain of today with that initial “bang” is a monumental task, we’re told, because quantum particles do not behave as they should according to classical physics. This inconvenient truth causes all kinds of problems when trying to mash the numbers and equations in time all the way back to that “singularity”. Here’s another reason to arrive at that grand unified theory. After all, if there isn’t a God, some other explanation for it all must be cooked up.


God is outside of all physical constraints. He did, however, create a physical universe which is subject to physical constraints. We live in three dimensions-four if you count Einstein’s view of time. But according to physicists, there are many more dimensions, most of which cannot be observed, but are only theoretical. String theory requires many more dimensions than the four we’re aware of, which are unseen and undetectable. Could it just be that our Creator-outside of space time and of all physical constraints-is a multi-dimensional being, and therefore, beyond our detection?

Ah, but God, says our Bible, is far from being just complex and nebulous: He is infinite-a pretty big conclusion drawn by people who were supposedly just crawling out of the hunter-gatherer stage of evolution. It seems to me that there can be, therefore, no limit to the dimensions God lives in or consists of. In this case, how do we-small, powerless, mortal, four-dimensional creatures with little faith or will to look for our Creator-see He who is so far beyond our senses? We don’t. We can’t. But He can approach us, and that is what He has done:

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 1:15-17).


Atom: The Illusion of Reality (Jim Al Khalili), Real Truth Documentaries.

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