Israel’s Future, Our Future. Part 1.

Over several decades so many Christian ministers have said that the Biblical "end times" were about to begin, or had already begun, that large numbers of professing Christians have become cynical or blase about any such claim (click the title to read on).

Six Things The Gift of Tongues Cannot Do, Part 5: Tongues Can’t Help Heal Sickness.

I've witnessed many who claim to have the gift praying over or for sick people in tongues, believing that in so doing they are more likely to be healed. I've seen no evidence that they're right.

Six Things Tongues Cannot Do, Pt 4: Tongues Can’t Help In Spiritual Warfare

I've come across many people and many situations over the years where believers were convinced that it was necessary to engage in spiritual warfare with the use of the gift of tongues. Is this true?

Six Things The Gift of Tongues Cannot Do, Part 3: Tongues Can’t Make Your Prayers More Effective

Does the gift of tongues make prayer more effective? Does it make you more powerful in the Spirit? A commonly held view in much of the Church is that God is more inclined or more able to assist you if you pray in tongues. Is this true?

Six Things Tongues Cannot Do, Part 2: Tongues Can’t Make You More Spiritual.

Does the gift of tongues make you more spiritual? Does it make you into a better Christian? I will show here from Scripture that it does not, and that the belief that it does is a deception. Our guide for this study is the Bible, not experience. YOU CAN SKIP A BIT I will first … Continue reading Six Things Tongues Cannot Do, Part 2: Tongues Can’t Make You More Spiritual.

Six Things the Gift of Tongues Can’t Do, Part 1: Tongues Can’t Make You Speak In Heavenly Languages.

The gift of speaking in tongues is often described as the ability to speak in heavenly languages: the languages of angels or of the Holy Spirit Himself. Does this belief stand up to close Biblical scrutiny?

Do Christians Worship a God of the Gaps?

Christians have been accused, most notably by Richard Dawkins, of worshipping and believing in a "God of the gaps". That is, whatever science doesn't yet understand is where we Christians claim God is. Is this true? Has science backed our God into a corner, so that most of our world can be observed, and the part where our God is gets smaller and smaller as knowledge increases?

“ESCALANTE”- Our Newest Release of Original Music

My son and I recently released an album of original jazz/ jazz fusion music. You can hear it or download it on your favorite streaming platform, and I've listed a few links below for your convenience. If you pick the YouTube link you can hear it all completely free and without subscription. At the bottom is a link to an ad for the album, which is titled, "Escalante".

A Terrible State…

The current government in the United States is, so far as I can tell, the most corrupt in the history of the United States, and probably many other nations also. What's worse is that they have no ability to feel shame, and no ability to access any conscience they may have left.

Free Will: Is God a Monster?

A God who would bring billions of people into the world in order to send them into the pits of hell for ever is not a God of love at all. He is, as Erasmus observed in his debates with Luther, a monster. I for one would not want to go to His heaven.

The Moabite Stone

Many times in recent decades and over the past two hundred years, archaeological finds have confounded skeptics and unbelievers, and given evidence in support of the Bible. One such find is the "Moabite Stone", aka "The Mesha Stele". I'm here summarizing the description of this stele and how it came to light, as told in two video documentaries noted below.

The Great Falling Away

Some denominations and movements within the Christian world are foretelling or "prophesying" a world-wide revival. They even teach that we believers have to work to facilitate that revival, in order to put the world right, and, they hope, to persuade Jesus Christ to come back. If that's your belief, good luck: you'll need lots of it. It's a battle you cannot win.

The Significance of the Ruins of Nineveh.

In Joel's YouTube video, "Bible Evidence Unearthed at Nineveh!" hard evidence found in ancient Mesopotamia is compared to the text of Scripture. As you will see if you watch it, the details are numerous and match magnificently.

Faith Is Where the Heart Is

If you really want to find evidence to support the Bible and its God, you can: there's plenty of it. Of course, there are no photographs of Jesus, or emails from Moses to Aaron, or videos of the Flood inundating the earth. And if you're hoping that God is going to peep between the clouds so that you can have faith, forget it- it isn't going to happen.

Disappearing the Church in Revelation After Chapter 3.

Normally I greatly respect John MacArthur's teachings and his love for the Word of God. He's one of those few men I can look up to in our time. However, I disagree with him on the subjects of election, and as I discuss below, the rapture of the Church.

Biden, Herod, and Me

As I look around at our world, and especially at our government (in the US and other Western nations) I can't help sometimes wondering why we don't see God strike certain people down in front of us all. They are utterly corrupt and arrogant. They have no shame. They make decisions for the detriment of their own citizens. They bear false witness against others. They are being bought by powerful globalist forces and figures. They lie incessantly. They use their positions of power for themselves and people like them.


I can tell you one thing: without God at the center of our culture, government will inevitably become God. It will be the ultimate authority. It will dictate what is right and what is wrong; what you can and cannot do; where you can and cannot go; how long you should live; what your value is; what you can have and what you must part with, and so on. And anyone living with the thought that we can hold government accountable and shape it to our own will is living in a dream world-a false utopia which history proves over and over again cannot ever be.


The existence of God, despite the complaints of people like Sir David Attenborough who gave suffering as the reason for his own atheism, doesn't go away by invoking this problem. After all, God may be pernicious and unloving. He may be uncaring. He may be somewhere else and not able to help us yet. He may be using suffering for his own purposes.


I made the mistake the other day of tuning in, briefly, to NPR "news". It really isn't news, it's opinion dressed as news. Within thirty seconds of listening, which is the time it normally takes for me to detect propaganda on NPR news, I was hearing support for Hamas funded by the tax payer, and how the brave "freedom fighters" will "regain their homeland" eventually.

Rapture or Not?

Views of the "rapture of the Church" vary enormously, from people not believing that it's a Biblical event at all and who say it will never happen, to the insistance that all true believers will be whisked from the earth any day now, in order to save us all from suffering and from what's to come upon the earth during the "Tribulation".

What Will People Be Like in Heaven?

What will people be like in heaven? Will they be as they are now, except with wings? Not everyone gets along with everyone else here, so if there's not some sort of change in the transition from here to there heaven will be like our world is now: fractured, tense, decidedly unfriendly in places, and with a drastic imbalance of fortunes.

The Machines Inside Your Body

Dr. Guliuzza goes on to describe some of what he calls the "undeniable engineering" of parts of the cell. He writes that it's not only complexity that we should be paying attention to, but the fact that researchers are finding components of the cell performing functions that correspond precisely to human-engineered components doing similar things.

Having Confidence Despite the Times

I've followed several favorite political commentators over the last few years, none of which, I hasten to add, are in the "mainstream" or "legacy" media. I don't trust any of those any more. They serve a corrupt agenda to take our world into darkness. Who does trust them? Surely only people who are not able or willing to think for themselves, or who love the agenda.

Is the Current War in Israel Prophetically Significant?

Is the current conflict in Israel of prophetic significance? Does it signify the beginning of end-times events? Is it spoken of in the Bible? Is it a fulfillment? These questions are being asked among a large portion of the evangelical world.

Will There Be A Third Jewish Temple?

According to a popular and most obvious interpretation of a prophecy known as “Daniel’s 70 Weeks”, found in Daniel chapter 9, a third Jewish temple must be built exactly on the site of the previous two. However, a highly revered Islamic holy site controlled by Jordanian officials is in its place. Will the temple be rebuilt? In present circumstances it seems impossible.

What It’s All About

I"ve been thinking about the things I write about which are most unpopular-the things my readers least want to read. For example, when I write on the subject of creation versus evolution, my post will receive little or no attention: usually none at all. People just don't want to know that the prevailing philosophy of the day is a sham.

How Not to Have a Revival

Will the world see a spiritual revival before the return of Jesus Christ? Is it our duty and calling to bring about that revival? If so, should it be done through a movement of spiritual gifts, tongues and modern-day prophets and apostles? I discuss here the fallacies of such faulty theology and false teachings on the subject.

Mountains After the Flood

Because the mountains of the world are so.... big... and because they aren't moving, at least not visibly, we assume that they've been there for many millions of years, looking much as they do now (click the title to read on). Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash And that's what our masters in the secular scientific community tell … Continue reading Mountains After the Flood

Complete in Christ, No Matter What They Say or Think!

I wrote recently about a class mentality which is present in a large portion of the Christian Church. This way of thinking derives from human pride-not true spirituality. It's within the nature of humanity to want to be better than others, or to want to have more than others, or to look down on others so that you can look bigger and better. This attitude is not of God.

Interpreting Today’s Events in Israel

Public opiinion on Isreal is shaped, on the surface, by the bias of media corporations (though they don't have much success with mine). However, below this veiled layer of propaganda is an even darker influence, fuelling anti-semitism, and ultimately, anti-Christ sentiment. Today I will offer an overview of the situation, then comment on whether current events are prophetic.

Love and Justice.

God is love, and God is justice. You can't have one without the other. You can't have up without down. You can't have hot without cold. You can't have low without high., and you can't have love without justice. Don't believe in dualism? You're shooting yourself in the foot.