The Lie From the Sky

I’ve followed Tucker Carlson in recent years, loosely, because I don’t agree with him about everything. Isn’t it wonderful to have a mind of your own so you can make your own conclusions and observations! And so it should be. Unfortunately, a too-large percentage of the population of any country you want to name, including the United States, seems incapable of thinking for themselves.

One of the things I thought I disagreed with Tucker about was his views on alien life. I had the impression, when he talked about the United States government covering up the truth of aliens and UFOs, that he was all in on the idea that aliens are regularly entering our world from another planet. I discovered instead that his views, and those of a number of other observers I like also see it my way. It’s a confirmation, particularly when considering the pressure, based on all the apparent evidence, to believe that aliens have come from another planet to guide us in our further “evolution”.

The view of these few significant commentators I pay at least some attention to confirms what I wrote in a post in November 2020, titled, “CHRISTIANS AND UFO’s Part 4: THE SPIRITUAL DIMENSION” (see link below). The gist of this view is that aliens are not at all from another planet, but are spiritual beings which dwell around us. Put simply, they’re demon spirits posing as aliens from another planet.

I went into my reasoning in the post I’ve linked to below, but in short, it became clear to me in my own experience that the longing for someone to come from outer space and save us all and give our lives meaning is undoubtedly a religious one. The alien is a god of sorts-an idol. It’s a substitute for God who the world at large has rejected.

Secondly, it doesn’t make sense to me that aliens are always hiding behind the clouds and only pop out at night, on lonely roads, to scare the willies out of someone and mess around with their sex organs. If they really want to help us, why are they always hiding? If they’re so advanced why are they so shy?

Thirdly, as Tucker noted, the manoeuvres which alien craft seem to be capable of are sometimes clearly impossible in our physical realm.

I don’t want to go “too far” in this belief, and claim with conviction as some do that certain political figures who we all know and distrust are consciously in league with demon spirits and taking orders from them. Alright, they are likely sub-consciously in league with demon spirits and unwittingly doing their bidding. However, if we as professing Christians really believe what we say we believe, we have to acknowledge that there is a spirit world all around us, and the ruler of this world and the system we all live under is Satan.

According to the Bible we claim to believe in, Satan caused a third of God’s angels to rebel. Together, though they are ultimately under God’s control, they run the place, thanks to our rejection of the Creator. This explains a lot of what we see going on around us. If you want to reject the reality of Satan and of evil spirits, you are making your world much harder to understand.

 I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me (John 14:30).

The fallen angel’s weapon of choice is deception. Is this just coincidental to the whole alien phenomenon, or could the alien story, complete with ideas that aliens seeded life on earth, be a part of that deception? If you, as a professing believer are open to these ideas, you are vulnerable to the deception.

The greatest warning Jesus Christ gave of future times was of deception, so that he made clear it would be pervasive before HIs return. Only those who know the Word of God-the Bible-and who love it, will escape its power. In fact, deception will be allowed and used by God in order to help separate true believers from others. Perhaps the most poignant warning comes to us from Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians:

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 NKJV).

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