Mind Burp 18

I’m holding onto my faith no matter what. I’m leaving my dirty pyjamas at home, I’m tempering my nostalgia, I’m poo-pooing man-made climate change, and I’m planning to tell the truth.


I’ve written a manifesto for myself many times in recent years, laying out plans, goals and policies. It gets updated as life changes and as the world changes, but at the top of the list of commitments I’ve made for myself must remain the most important decision of my life-one which eclipses and trumps all others. It is that I must hold onto my faith in Jesus Christ and in his atoning sacrifice for my sin, no matter what happens. Even if the world collapses around me, if all that I love is gone and I’m left alone, and if my health fails, my faith must remain, until the moment I pass into the next world.


Even nostalgia isn’t what it use to be. Why does it sometimes seem that all the good things of life are in the past? It’s because the future hasn’t happened yet…. it’s only just begun. And for those of us in Christ, the very best things are still to come, which will surpass the best we ‘ve seen in life so far.


Whatever you think of Tucker Carlson (I agree with him on most things) I believe he should enter a future hall of fame with at least one of his phrases-one which touched me. He said , “Telling the truth makes you stronger”. When you face up to reality, and when you speak it to others, you are building on your own integrity, your own sense of self-worth, and your own power to reach out to the world for good.

“Telling the Truth Makes You Stronger.”


I’ve lived in a semi-desert for most of four decades. If there’s been any change since I first came, it’s cooler and wetter. I’ve spoken to elderly people who’ve lived here all their lives, and without fail their testimony is that the climate was once hotter and drier.

Yes, we’ve had some mild winters, but we’ve had some cold ones too. That’s the history of planet earth-change but stasis. And I regularly read even in secular science that earth has experienced periods of much warmer or much cooler weather throughout its history, so that mass extinctions resulted. Obviously these weren’t caused by fossil fuels.

Our rivers and streams are no higher or lower than they were decades ago. More crops, and so more food, grow here than ever before. I see no evidence for climate change and certainly not for warming. Knowing that well-qualified scientists who oppose the story of man-made climate change don’t receive government or special interest funding, and knowing that I already totally distrust my government and mainstream media, I am very skeptical of the claim that my hamburger is destroying the earth. Then what is it? It’s a tool to gain more control over all of us, so that an elite can shape the world in their twisted image, with no regard for God or even for man.


In my part of the world, where the English language is being whittled away in the direction of a set of grunts to express meaning, the word “pyjama” is spelled “pajama”. That’s not a greatly important fact, I know. Of more significance perhaps is the increase in the actual wearing of pyjamas in public.

When I do my grocery shopping, I see an increasing number of people apparently wearing what they were wearing in bed the night before, and by the look of it, what some have been wearing for a few years without bothering to wash. On a recent visit to a large mall, I counted twelve people wearing pyjamas, with not so much as a second look from anyone else. I hate to refer to “my day” like some old geezer, but in my childhood and youth, in the culture where I grew up, if you wore your pyjamas in public others would be sniggering, whispering, pointing, or sneering in disgust as you pass by. It’s a relatively unimportant phenomenon in the grand scheme of things, but in my view, another indicator of the decline of our civilization.

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