Passwords, Moles, 666 and Scammers

Who, besides me, has a stack of passwords, pins and usernames recorded on paper because they can’t possibly all be remembered? Who, besides me, has to re-set passwords because for some unknown and unexplained reason the ones they have on file don’t work? Who, besides me, has had to create passwords with a record number of characters-say, twenty-eight, which they wrote down in a hurry and now can’t read all the characters?

Who else, besides me, thinks that the whole world has gone insane?


Now password, username and pin aren’t enough to get you in-they have to send you a multi-digit code, which might just go into the spam folder or never show up at all. Isn’t this an incredible indictment on our society, when just a few decades ago people could leave their front doors open without fear, talk to each other face-to face in the street, and get a neat, crisp piece of paper or metal from their pockets to pay for something and still have change?

The gob-smacking topper to all this bewilderingly and unnecessarily confusing nonsense, is that the scammers all seem to get away with their schemes, and to operate without resistance. Why is it, that a man running for president can be incessantly hounded by our “security” agencies, politicians, media and courts for things he hasn’t done, but the innumerable people ripping off hundreds of thousands of elderly and unwary citizens are somehow out of their reach? If you or I were to threaten an important figure in some way on our social sites, we would be found shortly, convicted and jailed. Not so the scammer. Why? He’s using the very same internet, isn’t he?

Could it possibly be that all of this is another part of the scheme of whoever is pulling the strings behind our government, and destroying our confidence and stability, in order get us to embrace that incredible utopia they have planned for us? 666 implants, anyone?

Who will benefit from us all having digital identities, disclosing to everyone with hacking knowledge and a convincing lie what we spend our money on, how many moles we have on our bodies, and who we voted for? Answer: those pushing for universal digital identities and digital currency, big business, so-called “security” services, and scammers. The rest of us will have to wrestle with increasing confusion and diminishment of our privacy and dignity.

I don’t expect an answer to any of the questions above-at least not good ones.

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