What It’s All About

I”ve been thinking about the things I write about which are most unpopular-the things my readers least want to read. For example, when I write on the subject of creation versus evolution, my post will receive little or no attention: usually none at all. People just don’t want to know that the prevailing philosophy of the day is a sham.

Another joy-killing subject, appaerently, is the divinty of Jesus Christ. One of the most important subjects of our age or any age gets a big “0” on the blog richter scale. People just aren’t interested.

The gpspel is another uninteresting topic, it seems, as is the truth of the Old Testament in a Christian world brushing it off like old dust. End times prophecy causes a big yawn among my readership, along with the relevance of the modern state of Israel and its predicament. The decay of our Western world into confusion and relativity is hardly noticed and doesn’t really matter anyway, because, well, it’s all relative.

Biblical doctrines, particularly in relation to purported “gifts” of the Spirit, are avoided like the Plague. Any sort of evidence which supports Biblical history is similarly ignored: archaeology, history, societal trends and the state of our so-called “civilization” as they relate to Scripture-all are pretty much a non-starter for the blog reader.

As my wife says, these are all the important subjects which fundamentally affect us all. And what, instead, are people interested in, including Christians? They’re interested in self-help; what God can do for them; how spiritually powerful they appear to be among their peers; cheap, fake experiences with the assumed Holy Spirit; health and wealth; physical beauty. That is, things of the flesh and modern-day idolatry.

In thinking about all this, I realized that there’s a common thread between all those things which Christians (in general-not all Chrisitians) are not interested in. They’re all central to our Scriptures-the Bible. They’re all subjects which our God, his Son, and his apostles and prophets held to be vitally important and unchangeable. They’re all things which mark and divide the believer from the unbeleiver. They’re all things which tell us where we really come from and where we’re really going. They’re all things which define Truth and reality.

Listen to what many Christians have to say about their lives, and you’ll find that they’re living with their boyfriends of girlfriends. They’re smoking weed and saying there’s nothing wrong with that. After all, Jesus would have smoked it if he had the chance, right? They’re ignoring the Old Testament because it’s out-dated and unnecessary, and truth be told, they’re only reading little parts of the New Testament which they think they can gain something from. They’re living broken lives with one relationship after another, because, well, everyone’s doing it. They’re looking for the next high they can enjoy in the church because it’s all about me.

No, it isn’t. It’s all about our Creator and his one and only Son, Jesus Christ. It’s all about what He wants us to do with our lives. Its all about the fact that we are mortal and transient, and utterly helpless without the work of our God to save us from our fate. It’s all about humbling ourselves under His hand, and changing the way we live to conform to His will and not our own. It’s all about believing what He has said, because HIs word is Truth: the only Truth in this decaying world.

2 thoughts on “What It’s All About

  1. Great article! It’s important to address unpopular topics and challenge prevailing philosophies. Keep sharing the truth and promoting biblical doctrines. It’s refreshing to see someone prioritize what truly matters.


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