Living In Iron And Clay

I’m more than happy to live and work alongside fellow humans of any origin, color or description. They are my equals in every way, and often my betters: my brothers and sisters in humanity. They are equal to me in the sight of God, and they are of equal value. Racism is always, always wrong. Therefore, please don’t take what I’m about to say the wrong way.

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash


In the land where I spent the first half of my life, the U.K., mass protests oppose the very people that previous generations fought and died to save-the Jews. In recent decades, large numbers of immigrants have been ushered into the country, particularly Muslims, whose religion is fundamentally anti-Christ and anti-Semitic.

Already in the 1960s, multiculturalism was being preached by liberally-minded people, and the intention to overthrow Western values has grown in leaps and bounds. Amazingly, our own educators have agreed and taught that we in the West are the great Satan, and all others are innocent victims.

Now the only “sin” (that word is politically incorrect but certain four-letter words are welcome) is to express an appreciation for the ways of the past: Judeo-Christian standards and beliefs, a love of country, family and roots. If you hold to traditional values, you are in danger of being labelled a “right-wing extremist” and of being cancelled. Statues of Sir Winston Churchill, who helped save the West from the Nazis of WWII, have been attacked, along with others. If this all sounds familiar, it’s because the same movement is going on across the West, to varying degrees.


We could blame our college and university professors for being so far to the political left-and for being allowed to preach their bias to students-that they are tearing down their own nations. We could blame the politicians, who have opened the floodgates for anti-West and anti-Christ immigrants to flood our nations. We could blame the widespread will to throw off the shackles of Judeo-Christian morality, and to live according to selfish and base desire rather than wisdom, conscience and self-sacrifice.

We could even blame the corrosive affect of affluence and prosperity, because when people have everything and have it easy and live in security, they forget all about God. We could blame our attraction to exotic and foreign lifestyles and cultures. The grass is always greener on the other side, and as Solomon said, “the eyes of man are never satisfied”. We could blame the philosophy and religion of the day-evolutionism-which has sucked God and the true meaning of life from the public conscience, and left a spiritual vacuum.

We could blame Marxism which has sought with considerable success the destruction of the “bourgeoise” family and the Church. We could blame human determination to ignore the God of the Bible, while welcoming all others, as though a lump of stone or a cosmic elephant or a car or a fat wallet, or the creation itself, is a good repacement for the Creator of all things.

Of course, it’s all of these. But at the root of it all is something, or someone, much darker, and veiled. Veiled, he is.


The book of Daniel foretells a succession of world empires. That is, “empires” as God sees them. The final empire, says Daniel’s book, will be (and now is) an amalgamation of peoples groups which will never actually succeed in blending:

And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay (Daniel 2:43).

This speaks so clearly of our times, in which the wealthy and powerful social alchemists, who have trillions of dollars between them but who want us to live more frugally, decide that to save the earth, we all must mingle. Oh, and we must also shake off that old Judeo-Christian dogma of God, country, family, righteousness, holiness and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It’s not the mixing of skin colors which is the problem: not at all. Skin is skin: it’s all human. The problem is the attempted mixing of incompatible philosophies, and the destruction of Judeo-Christian style roots and connections. How can you have unity with such diverse ideas and philosophies? And some have no intention of compromising: you must, sooner or later, submit to their god and their law.


It’s Nimrod’s dream revised. It’s the old tower of Babel being rebuilt, as though the original intention of replacing the ways of God with the City of Man is really possible. Incredibly, according to Revelation, the battle of Armaggeddon, which so many people take to be figurative, is not a world war between nations at all. It’s the attempt of humanity to prevent the return of Jesus Christ:

Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army (Revelation 19:19).

Here’s what God has to say about that:

Why do the nations rage,
And the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
“Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.

He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision
(Psalm 2:1-4).

Can you burn the boat you’re floating along in, while in the middle of the ocean? You can, but it would be the most unwise thing you could ever do. But that’s what’s happening now. Burn the past, burn the old God, burn nation and family and tradition and culture and history, and build a new tower: the City of Man.


We are living in that empire/ time of iron and clay. However, there is no future for those who want to build an empire without God, and without His Christ. That’s one good reason why you need to place your commitment and your trust in the God of the Bible, and His only son, Jesus Christ.

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