Tag: Israel

Israel’s Future, Our Future. Part 1.

Over several decades so many Christian ministers have said that the Biblical "end times" were about to begin, or had already begun, that large numbers of professing Christians have become cynical or blase about any such claim (click the title to read on).


I made the mistake the other day of tuning in, briefly, to NPR "news". It really isn't news, it's opinion dressed as news. Within thirty seconds of listening, which is the time it normally takes for me to detect propaganda on NPR news, I was hearing support for Hamas funded by the tax payer, and how the brave "freedom fighters" will "regain their homeland" eventually.

Is the Current War in Israel Prophetically Significant?

Is the current conflict in Israel of prophetic significance? Does it signify the beginning of end-times events? Is it spoken of in the Bible? Is it a fulfillment? These questions are being asked among a large portion of the evangelical world.