Tag: Politics

A Terrible State…

The current government in the United States is, so far as I can tell, the most corrupt in the history of the United States, and probably many other nations also. What's worse is that they have no ability to feel shame, and no ability to access any conscience they may have left.

Biden, Herod, and Me

As I look around at our world, and especially at our government (in the US and other Western nations) I can't help sometimes wondering why we don't see God strike certain people down in front of us all. They are utterly corrupt and arrogant. They have no shame. They make decisions for the detriment of their own citizens. They bear false witness against others. They are being bought by powerful globalist forces and figures. They lie incessantly. They use their positions of power for themselves and people like them.


I made the mistake the other day of tuning in, briefly, to NPR "news". It really isn't news, it's opinion dressed as news. Within thirty seconds of listening, which is the time it normally takes for me to detect propaganda on NPR news, I was hearing support for Hamas funded by the tax payer, and how the brave "freedom fighters" will "regain their homeland" eventually.