Tag: Jesus Christ

Biden, Herod, and Me

As I look around at our world, and especially at our government (in the US and other Western nations) I can't help sometimes wondering why we don't see God strike certain people down in front of us all. They are utterly corrupt and arrogant. They have no shame. They make decisions for the detriment of their own citizens. They bear false witness against others. They are being bought by powerful globalist forces and figures. They lie incessantly. They use their positions of power for themselves and people like them.

Complete in Christ, No Matter What They Say or Think!

I wrote recently about a class mentality which is present in a large portion of the Christian Church. This way of thinking derives from human pride-not true spirituality. It's within the nature of humanity to want to be better than others, or to want to have more than others, or to look down on others so that you can look bigger and better. This attitude is not of God.

Jesus Christ, The Son of God.

If you have doubts or questions about who Jesus Christ was and is, I can assure you of one thing: Biblical Scripture is abundantly clear on the subject, despite what numerous supposed "experts" have to say. This post is designed to lay out some of the evidence.

Another Jesus.

Dear reader, we are in a, or the, age of deception, in which Jesus Christ is being mis-represented, mis-quoted, diminished, maligned, and impersonated. We need to look to the the Scriptures to see what Jesus is really like, what he really said, what he really did and what he really will do. We also need to heed his warnings about our time, and to not go the way of those who put the words of deceietful man and docrtines of demons above the words of our Lord.